Cataract Treatment
At Cataract, Glaucoma & Retina Consultants of East Texas, we are committed to providing you the latest advances in cataract/lens replacement surgery technology.
The market-leading Alcon LenSx® Femtosecond Laser provides a level of surgical precision unattainable with standard manual cataract surgery techniques. In addition to the femtosecond laser technology, Dr. Smith offers unmatched intraocular lens technologies to her patients.
Newer intraocular lenses allow her to truly customize your vision to meet your daily activity needs. Lenses such as the IQ PanOptix® Trifocal IOL, AcrySof® IQ Toric IOL, and TECNIS® Multifocal IOL allow patients to significantly reduce if not eliminate their dependence on glasses.
As a patient, we encourage you to explore your cataract surgery options carefully and urge you to not settle for less than the best care for your eyes. After all, your quality of vision is critically important to maintaining your enjoyment of life. At Cataract, Glaucoma & Retina Consultants, we strongly believe that you deserve the best in cataract surgical care, and seek to give the highest level of care available anywhere to every patient.